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A potion is a magic liquid that produces its effect when imbibed. Potions are also sometimes called elixers. Magic oils are similar to potions, except that oils are applied externally rather than imbibed. A potion, oil, or elixer can be used only once.


Drinking a potion or applying an oil requires no special skill. the user merely removes the stopper and swallows the potion or smears on the oil.

The following rules govern potion and oil use:

Using a potion or oil provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful attack (including grappling attacks) against the character forces a Concentration check (as with casting aspell). Ifthe character fails this check, he or she cannot drink the potion. An attacker may direct the attack of opportunity against the potion or oil container rather then against the character. A successful attack on the potion can destroy the container. A creature must be able to swallow a potion or smear on an oil. Because of this, incorporeal creatures cannot use potions or oils. Any corporeal creature can imbibe a potion. The potion must be swallowed. Any corporeal creature can use an oil. A character can carefully administer a potion to an unconscious creature as a full-round action, trickling the liquid down the creature's throat. Likewise, it takes a full-round action to apply an oil to an unconscious creature.















 50 gp




 Spider climb

 50 gp




 Cure light wounds

 50 gp





 150 gp





 150 gp





 150 gp





 150 gp





 150 gp




 Oil of timelessness

 150 gp




 Reduce (at 5th level)

 250 gp




 Enlarge (at 5th level)

 250 gp




 Speak with animals

 300 gp




 Protection from arrows

 300 gp





 300 gp





300 gp 





 300 gp




 Alter self

 300 gp





 300 gp





 300 gp




 Ghoul touch

 300 gp




 Delay posion

 300 gp





 300 gp




 Cure moderate wounds

 300 gp




 Remove Paralysis

 300 gp





 300 gp





 300 gp





 300 gp




 See invisibility

 300 gp




 Cat's grace

 300 gp




 Bull's strength

 300 gp





 500 gp





 500 gp





 750 gp





 750 gp




Water breathing 

 750 gp




 Negative energy protection

 750 gp





 750 gp




 Remove disease

 750 gp




 Neutralize poison

 750 gp




 Cure serious wounds

 750 gp





 750 gp




 Protection from elements (cold)

 750 gp




 Protection from  elements (electricity)

 750 gp




 Protection from elements (fire)

 750 gp




 Protection from elements (acid)

 750 gp




 Protection from elements (sonic)

 750 gp





 750 gp




 Gaseous form

 750 gp




 Oil of slipperiness

 900 gp





 900 gp




 Fire breath

 900 gp

Potion Descriptionz

The caster level for a standard potion is the minimum caster level needed to cast thespell (unless otherwise specified). Nonstandard potions are described below.

Fire Breath

This strange elixer bestows upon the drinker the ability to spit gouts of flame. The user can breath fire up to three times, each time dealing 3d6 points of fire damage to a single target up to 25 feet away. The victim can attempt a Reflex save (DC 12) for half damage. Unued blasts dissipate 1 hour after the potion is consumed.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 8th+; Price: 900 gp.


This potion lasts 1 hour and provides the user with a +30 to Bluff checks. In addition, magic that normally detects lies does not register the speaker's lies as such.

Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 8th+; Price: 500 gp.


This potion grantsthe drinker a +2 competence bonus to attacks, saves, and skill checks for 1 hour.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 8th+; Price: 900 gp.


A character drinking this potion gains a +10 competence bonus to Hide checks for 1 hour.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 6th+; Price: 150 gp.


This potion grants an encantment bonus of 1d4+1 to the drinker's intelligence score for 3 hours.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 4th+; Price: 300 gp.


This potion causes the character drinking it to become charmed with the first creature seen after consuming the draft (as charm person-the drinker must be a humanoid of Medium-size or smaller, Will save, DC 14). The drinker actually becomes enamored if the creature is of similar race or kind. The charm effects wear off 1d3 hours, but the enamoring effect is permanent.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, charm person; Price: 150 gp.

Oil of Slipperiness

This oil adds a +30 bonus to all Escape Artist checks. In addition, such obstructions as webs (magical or otherwise), do not effect an anointed individual. Magic ropes and the like do not avail against this oil. If the oil is poured on a floor or on steps, the spill should be treatd as a long-lasting grease spell. The oil requires 8 hours to wear offnormally, or it can be wiped off with an alchohol solution.Oil of sliperiness is needed to coat the inside of a container that is meant to hold sovereign glue.

Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, grease, spellcaster level 6th+; Price: 900 gp.

Oil of Timelessness

When applied to any matter that was once alive, this oil allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The coated object has a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. The oil never wears off, although it can be magically removed. One flask contains enough oil to coat eight Medium-size objects or an equivalent area.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion; Price: 150 gp.


This potion grants the drinker a +10 circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks for 1 hour.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 6th+; Price: 150 gp.


This potion bestows a +10 circumstance bonus to Swim checks for 1 hour.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 6th+; Price: 150 gp.


This potion forces the individual drinking it to say nothing but the truth for 10 minutes (Will negates DC 12). Further, the drinker is compelled to answer any questions put to him or her in that time, but with each question he or she is free to make a seperate Will save (DC 12). If one of these secondary saves is successful, the drinker doesn't break free of the truth-compelling enchantment but also doesn't have to answer that particular question. No more than one question can be asked each round. This is a mind-affecting compulsion enchantment.

Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 8th+; Price: 500 gp.


Drinking this potion gives the drinker a +10 to Search checks for 1 hour.

Caster Level: 2nd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 6th+; Price: 150 gp.


This potion adds a 1d4+1 enchantment bonus to the drinker's Wisdom score for 3 hours.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, spellcaster level 4th+; Price: 300 gp.